

We want to honor the brave CDH warriors whose battles have come to an end, but whose memories will last forever. As we fill these pages with their beautiful pictures we hope you will take a moment to send love to their families. Because, though they may no longer be with us, they are important and we want their names to be remembered.

Amelia Rose Merry

Amelia Rose

11/10/2023 - 11/11/2023

Amelia was a precious soul. From the very beginning she proved she was a fighter, from kicking in her mommy’s belly to fighting for every breath when she was born, she made her mama extremely proud. Amelia taught her mama to have faith, believe in miracles and never stop fighting. For 15 precious hours Amelia graced this earth and though she was gone much too soon, those moments will forever be cherished by her mama.

Becca SchroederComment