
Becca Schroeder


Executive Director, The CDH Foundation

Becca is married to Jeff, mom to CDH survivor Lily and newborn baby boy Howie. She holds a Masters of Social Work from the University of Loyola, Chicago. It was during the completion of her MSW that she became pregnant with Lily who was diagnosed with CDH at their 20 week ultrasound.

CDH… These three little letters would have a profound impact on Becca’s life from that moment on. Gone was the innocent excitement of a new life forming, replaced instead by appointments with fetal specialists, neonatologists, pediatric surgeons, pulmonologists and so on. Jeff and Becca would learn more medical terminology than they ever thought possible. On September 1, 2018 Lily Katherine Schroeder made her grand entrance into the world. She received her repair at 5 days old, spent 11 days on ECMO and spent 48 days intubated. At 108 days old Lily became a proud NICU grad, coming home on oxygen, a pulse oximeter, an NG tube and receiving 2 shots daily for a blood clot. Lily is now a thriving 3 1/2 year old who loves to run absolutely everywhere. It is the knowledge that this is not the case for 50% of families who receive this diagnosis that propels Becca to help others. Starting Lily’s facebook page ( while still pregnant was just one of the ways Becca sought to love on others who have received this diagnosis. Meeting with other mothers, holding their hands, praying with them, loving on them through their devastation became her passion.

Taking over the CDH Foundation as Executive Director is an honor and one that Becca does not take lightly. It is her goal to use this platform to provide support, both emotional and financial, to families of CDH survivors and angels.