

Programs & Events


The CDH Foundation strives to provide a place and space for parents of CDH survivors and angels to feel seen, be heard and leave knowing they are not alone. All programs are free of charge and designed to connect parents and caregivers with other families who have walked or are walking this same journey.


Real Talk CDH

We are so excited to introduce our newly released podcast: Real Talk CDH! Episodes release monthly and will include a variety of topics all related to CDH. Our first episode just dropped so please take a listen and make sure to follow us so you don't miss out!

Grief Share

Are you the parent of a CDH angel? Life after loss is hard and we want to help. Please join us for a monthly virtual grief support group where we connect you with other parents who have also experienced loss.

Sip & Share

“We read to know that we are not alone.” - C. S. Lewis 

Life with CDH is hard. Sometimes we need a moment to escape and remember we are more than just CDH moms, we are also women who value and need connection. If you love to read, laugh and connect then grab your beverage of choice and join us for our monthly book club.